your search: Diversity
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[...] precise percentages owing to the large number of our products (more than 60,000) and their wide diversity. Reuse and recycling Aspect: Compliance 8 EN28 Fines and sanctions for non-compliance with laws and regulations There were no significant incidents of non-compliance during the 2011-2012 period. Aspect: Transport 8 EN29 Environmental impacts of transportation Transport safety, Indicators: Environment Aspect: Overall 7, 8, 9 EN30 Total environmental protection expenditures and investments Indicators: Environment Legend: This indicator is fully reported. This indicator is not fully reported. This indicator is currently not reported. Indicators shown in light gray [...]
[...] not recorded as it is not relevant to strategic personnel planning at Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany. Diversity, Indicators: Employees Aspect: Indirect economic impacts EC8 Infrastructure investments and services provided for public purposes Investments in infrastructure: Vocational school's technical unit, Hospital in Pakistan, Education and health care opportunities in India, Charitable activities: Social engagement, Indicators: Society EC9 Indirect economic impacts Access to health, Procurement of mica raw material, Dialogue and co-determination, Retrologistics Legend: This indicator is fully reported. This indicator is not fully reported. This indicator is [...]
XLS Download Labor practices and decent work: Management approach and indicators UNGC GRI indicator Comments Reference Status 1, 3, 6 Management approach HR Management, Dialogue and co-determination, Occupational health and safety, Attracting and developing employees, Diversity Aspect: Labor/Management relations LA1 Total workforce We do not currently record data on supervised workers, e.g. temps, in our data systems for employees. We are working to record these data in the future, making them available in 2014. Indicators: Employees, Code of Conduct 6 LA2 Rate of employee turnover Attracting and developing employees, Indicators: Employees LA3 Benefits provided [...]
[...] social charter Corporate goal to increase percentage of management positions held by women Compliance, Diversity and inclusion Principle 7: Take a precautionary approach to environmental challenges EC2, EN18, EN26, EN30, SO5 ISO 14001 Group certificate for company environmental management EHS standards implemented and updated (e.g. for process and plant safety, storage and transport, water protection, and waste management) Product safety measures (e.g. REACH, GHS, Global Product Strategy) Environmental management, Process and plant safety, Storage and transport, Water protection, Waste management, Product safety Principle 8: Promote greater environmental [...]


Publication of Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany.

In the United States and Canada the subsidiaries of Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany operate under the umbrella brand EMD.


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