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GRI index: Economic performance indicators

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GRI indicator






Management approach


Economic performance , Products and climate protection, Pension plans , Supplier selection, Local executives, Indirect economic impacts: Access to health, Procurement of mica raw material, Dialogue and co-determination, Retrologistics



Aspect: Economic performance



Direct economic value generated and distributed


Income Statement , Cash Flow Statement , Figures by division, country and region , Community investments, Personnel expenses 



Financial implications for the organization's activities due to climate change

In our response to the Carbon Disclosure Project, we describe the opportunities and risks that we see for Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany as a result of climate change. Owing to the complexity of contents and the different probabilities of occurrence, we cannot make any meaningful estimate of the financial implications.

Climate protection,Carbon Disclosure Project



Company retirement pension


Pension plans , Indicators: Employees



Financial assistance received from government


Accounting policies for property, plant and equipment , Property, plant and equipment , Research and development spending 



Aspect: Market presence



Ratio of standard entry level salary compared to local minimum salary

According to the requirement of our Social Charter, all sites guarantee a salary above the local minimum salary.

Attracting and developing employees, Social Charter, Indicators: Employees



Locally based suppliers

Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany does not have any specific, global policies and guidelines that are generally applicable for purchasing with local suppliers. We procure our raw materials globally, depending on availability and supply. However, there are cases in which local suppliers have a competitive advantage owing to their spatial proximity, for example technical purchases as well as purchases of packaging materials.




Local hiring

We promote local hiring of employees and international appointments at all levels of the hierarchy. The percentage of local executives is not recorded as it is not relevant to strategic personnel planning at Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany.

Diversity, Indicators: Employees



Aspect: Indirect economic impacts



Infrastructure investments and services provided for public purposes


Investments in infrastructure: Vocational school's technical unit, Hospital in Pakistan, Education and health care opportunities in India, Charitable activities: Social engagement, Indicators: Society



Indirect economic impacts


Access to health, Procurement of mica raw material, Dialogue and co-determination, Retrologistics


This indicator is fully reported.

This indicator is not fully reported.

This indicator is currently not reported.

Indicators shown in light gray are additional indicators and may be addressed optionally.