your search: Employees
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Workforce structure XLS Download Number of total employees As of Dec. 31 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Total employees 33,062 40,562 40,676 38,847 38,154 Men 19,097 23,171 23,347 22,505 22,253 Women 13,965 17,391 17,329 16,342 15,901 The "Fit for 2018" transformation and growth program impacted HR work in 2013 as well. In 2013, at the majority of our sites the structural prerequisites were put in place and agreements were reached with the respective social partners in order to implement the socially responsible approach to workforce reduction necessary as part of the transformation process. For example, in Germany, around 1,200 employees chose to participate in a [...]
Products Suppliers Employees Environment Society Products Goals: Product Safety Strategic goal Action By? Progress in 2013 Status Establish a globally uniform hazard and risk communication system for all relevant Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany, chemicals in the supply chain, incorporating the principles of prevention Register substances produced in quantities ranging from 100-1,000 metric tons per year (phase 2 of REACH implementation) and register non-phase-in substances Mid-2013 All registrations for quantities ranging from 100-1,000 metric tons per year were completed on schedule by mid-2013. Register substances produced in quantities ranging from 1-100 metric [...]
[...] of Conduct: Our Code of Conduct is a compulsory set of rules for all Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany, employees. It explains the principles for interacting with business associates, general partners, colleagues, and employees, as well as with the communities in which we operate. Thus, it supports all employees in acting ethically – not only in their interactions with one another, but also outside the company. Human Rights Charter: At the end of 2013, Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany, adopted a Group-wide human rights charter that underscores our commitment to respecting and protecting human rights. It brings together and complements existing regulations and [...]
[...] 2013 * Until 2010, anti-corruption training was part of Code of Conduct training seminars. Number of employees trained in anti-corruption policies and procedures in the respective year* 6,400 8,600 13,399 22,890 24,168 % of employees trained on the topic of anti-corruption in the respective year 19 21 33 59 63 Number of employees Global Grade 10 or higher trained on the topic of anti-corruption in the respective year Not recorded Not recorded 7,540 10,164 12,390 % of employees Global Grade 10 or higher trained on the topic of anti-corruption in the respective year Not recorded Not recorded 53 60 69 % of employees Global Grade 9 or lower trained on the topic of [...]
[...] standards within Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany. At Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany, respecting our employees’ dignity, treating them fairly and in compliance with laws and regulations is a matter of course. As a matter of principle, we are guided by the ILO Core Labor Standards. We adhere especially to this claim with respect to the following topics and regularly audit our sites against these requirements: Freedom of association, no forced labor, no child labor, non-discrimination and equal opportunity, wages and salaries, working hours, occupational health and safety, prevention of abuse and harassment The Group-wide EHS Policy (Principles and Strategies for [...]


Publication of Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany.

In the United States and Canada the subsidiaries of Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany operate under the umbrella brand EMD.


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