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Global Compact Communication on Progress

UN Global Compact (Logo)

2012 Communication on Progress regarding the implementation of the Global Compact Principles

The Global Compact (GC) is a UN initiative founded in 2000. Signatories of the initiative commit themselves to ten principles based on key UN conventions regarding human rights, labor standards, environmental protection, and anti-corruption. At the same time, the compact obliges the signatories to actively engage themselves in propagating the principles within their own sphere of influence.

Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany has been a Global Compact participant since 2005. The following table presents the key measures that Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany took in 2011 and 2012 to implement the principles of the Global Compact. 

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Global Compact COP









UNGC Principles

Relevant GRI indicators

Key actions in 2011 and 2012


Principle 1: Support and respect human rights

EC5, LA4, LA6-9, LA13-14, HR1-9, SO5, PR1-2, PR8

  • Human rights risk assessment
  • Supplier management further developed in terms of CR aspects; creation of the “Responsible Sourcing Principles”
  • Increase in praziquantel donations to eliminate schistosomiasis

Human rights, Supplier management, Praziquantel

Principle 2: Rule out complicity in human rights abuses

HR1-9, SO5

  • Internal audits conducted on the Social Charter
  • Human rights risk assessment
  • Supplier management further developed in terms of CR aspect; creation of the “Responsible Sourcing Principles”

Compliance, Human rights, Supplier management

Principle 3: Uphold freedom of association

LA4-5, HR1-3, HR5, SO5

  • Internal audits conducted on the social charter
  • Human rights risk assessment
  • Supplier management further developed in terms of CR aspects; creation of the “Responsible Sourcing Principles”

Compliance, Human rights, Supplier management

Principle 4: Eliminate all forms of forced and compulsory labor

HR1-3, HR7, SO5

  • Internal audits conducted on the Social Charter
  • Human rights risk assessment
  • Supplier management further developed in terms of CR aspects; creation of the “Responsible Sourcing Principles”

Compliance, Human rights, Supplier management

Principle 5: Abolition of child labor

HR1-3, HR6, SO5

  • Internal audits conducted on the Social Charter
  • Human rights risk assessment
  • Supplier management further developed in terms of CR aspects; creation of the “Responsible Sourcing Principles”

Compliance, Human rights, Supplier management

Principle 6: Eliminate discrimination

EC7, LA2, LA13-14, HR1-4, SO5

  • Internal audits conducted on the social charter
  • Corporate goal to increase percentage of management positions held by women

Compliance, Diversity and inclusion

Principle 7: Take a precautionary approach to environmental challenges

EC2, EN18, EN26, EN30, SO5

  • ISO 14001 Group certificate for company environmental management
  • EHS standards implemented and updated (e.g. for process and plant safety, storage and transport, water protection, and waste management)
  • Product safety measures (e.g. REACH, GHS, Global Product Strategy)

Environmental management, Process and plant safety, Storage and transport, Water protection, Waste management, Product safety

Principle 8: Promote greater environmental responsibility

EN1-30, SO5, PR3-4

  • EHS standards implemented and updated (e.g. for process and plant safety, storage and transport, water protection, and waste management)
  • Initiation of EDISON climate protection program
  • Energy checks conducted at sites
  • Product labeling
  • Packaging take-back programs

Process and plant safety, Storage and transport, Water protection, Waste management, Climate protection, Product safety, Reuse and recycling

Principle 9: Encourage diffusion of environmentally friendly technologies

EN2, EN5-7, EN10, EN18, EN26-27, EN30, SO5

  • Product life cycle analyses
  • Innovative products developed

Sustainable products, Performance Materials 

Principle 10: Anti-corruption measures


  • Internal audits conducted on corruption
  • Anti-corruption training



Publication of Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany.

In the United States and Canada the subsidiaries of Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany operate under the umbrella brand EMD.


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