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We use a structured guideline system to translate our Values and Mission Statements into concrete terms. The purpose is to ensure that all employees know the relevant rules and can apply them in the workplace. Proven management systems ensure that the processes relevant to our CR strategy are steered and monitored systematically. Group-wide guideline system The Group-wide guideline system contains all company guidelines and explains which guidelines apply to which parts of the company. They range from the charters and principles valid for the entire company to specific standards and procedures for divisions and legal entities of the Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany, [...]
[...] To date, the GPHF has supplied more than 570 Minilabs at cost, to over 80 countries. Sensitizing our employees The fight against product-related crime and counterfeit products is an integral part of our risk management system. In order to minimize risks, we provide training to employees of our legal entities, as well as to business partners in the countries in which we lack our own legal entity. In 2011 and 2012, we held multi-day workshops and training seminars in Africa, China, North America, and Latin America. We furthermore conduct audits of our business partners. We are currently drafting a product crime manual and plan to sensitize employees to the topic.
Our business operations intersect the interests of many people. The dialogue with relevant stakeholder groups is therefore of fundamental importance to us. These stakeholders include our employees, our business partners, the owner family, investors, regulatory agencies, associations, neighbors in the vicinity of our sites, and non-governmental organizations (NGOs). This continuous exchange enables us to demonstrate how we live our Values and to show the CR strategy we have chosen to pursue. This dialogue should also convey our esteem for our stakeholders. We strive to sustain and build trust and – wherever possible – harmonize divergent interests. Our primary [...]
Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany sees itself as part of the community, not only at its individual locations, but also globally. In the context of our business activities, we play an important role in the community at our respective locations. We create jobs and invest in the qualification and social security of our employees. Many companies supply us locally with their goods and services. In addition to this, we engage ourselves in charitable initiative – in many cases together with our employees. Our corporate social responsibility engagement primarily focuses on those areas in which we have specific expertise stemming from our core businesses. We are thus engaged [...]
[...] guidelines and instruction manuals such as our EHS, Security and Quality Manual, which tells our employees how to apply the EHS principles in their day-to-day work. Our guidelines are based on the Responsible Care Charter, which the chemical industry drafted in 2005. Overall responsibility for environment, health, and safety is born by Executive Board Member Bernd Reckmann. The function Environment Health Safety Security Quality (EQ) is responsible for globally steering all environmental measures. At the individual sites, the local EHS managers are in charge of operational environmental protection measures. Through internal and external audits, EQ monitors [...]


Publication of Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany.

In the United States and Canada the subsidiaries of Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany operate under the umbrella brand EMD.


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