your search: Access to Health
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[...] complying with human rights (for example, in the prevention of product misuse as well as the associated health hazards). On the other hand, we also determined areas where we can further improve the existing regulations and processes with regard to human rights. As a result, we defined three high-priority action areas: Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany places high demands on its suppliers with regard to compliance with social and ecological standards. We refine and enhance our supplier management process in order to adhere more closely to environmental, compliance and social standards in our supply chain worldwide and to prevent violations. This is particularly a [...]
[...] such as climate change, the increasing demand for affordable, renewable energy, and a growing need for access to health – especially in emerging and developing countries – and the prevention of greenhouse gas emissions. We are aware that our business operations impact our environment and the people around us. However, we also believe that responsible company management makes a contribution toward resolving global challenges, helps ensure viability and increases our acceptance in society. But what does responsible company management mean for us? What topics are especially relevant to us locally and globally? What impact do our business operations have on people [...]
XLS Download UNGC GRI indicator Comments Reference Status Management approach Economic performance , Products and climate protection, Pension plans , Supplier selection, Local executives, Indirect economic impacts: Access to health, Procurement of mica raw material, Dialogue and co-determination, Retrologistics Aspect: Economic performance EC1 Direct economic value generated and distributed Income Statement , Cash Flow Statement , Figures by division, country and region , Community investments, Personnel expenses 7,8,9 EC2 Financial implications for the organization's activities due to climate change In our response to the Carbon Disclosure Project, we describe the [...]
Over 200 million people in Africa suffer from the widespread tropical worm disease schistosomiasis. It is estimated that more than 200,000 die each year as a result of this chronic parasitic condition, which makes it the most common tropical disease in Africa after malaria. Schistosomiasis is widespread primarily in the tropical and subtropical areas of sub-Saharan Africa. In these regions, a vast majority of the population has no access to clean water and sanitary installations. The disease is caused by flatworms and is spread through stagnant water. People become infected by the worm larvae in the water, while bathing, fishing, playing, washing their clothes, or [...]
[...] enhance the sustainability footprint of our products. Sustainable products We are committed to improving access to health care. Access to health No risk should arise from our products if used properly. Product safety We abide by the precautionary principle in this highly innovative field of development. Nanotechnology We are highly committed to following animal welfare principles. Animal testing We develop take-back concepts and support environmentally sustainable disposal. Recycling


Publication of Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany.

In the United States and Canada the subsidiaries of Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany operate under the umbrella brand EMD.


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