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100% Economics
XLS Download Total revenues, sales, operating result (EBIT) and R&D costs, by division (€ million) Biopharma- ceuticals division Consumer Health Performance Materials Life science tools division Group* * As a non-operating segment, Corporate and Other is not shown here (see Annual Report 2013, Segment Reporting ). ** The previous year's figures have been adjusted (see Annual Report 2013, Notes on Segment Reporting ). 2012 Total revenues 6,405.2 475.2 1,675.6 2,616.9 11,172.9 Sales 5,995.8 472.6 1,674.2 2,598.2 10,740.8 Operating result (EBIT)** 547.7 7.6 609.7 251.7 963.6 R&D costs 1,187.3 19.4 137.4 166.1 1,511.3 2013 Total revenues 6,325.8 479.6 1,644.4 [...]
20% Employees
[...] 38,282 Production 6,956 8,327 9,317 9,486 9,985 Logistics 1,773 1,927 2,054 1,665 1,779 Marketing and Sales 10,582 11,541 12,322 12,353 12,214 Administration 3,750 4,378 4,696 4,416 5,106 Research and Development 3,627 4,116 4,632 4,558 4,433 Infrastructure and Other 6,162 6,058 7,549 7,461 4,765 XLS Download Number of employees by region As of Dec. 31 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 * No retroactive calculation based on the new regional structure. ** Latin America and Asia excluding Japan. Total 33,062 40,562 40,676 38,847 38,154 Employees in Europe * * 21,830 20,777 20,013 thereof women * * 9,832 9,261 8,755 Employees in North America * * 4,964 4,848 4,911 thereof women [...]
© Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany, Last Update 2014/05/05