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100% Human rights
[...] donations and philanthropy. An important component of our Access to Medicine activities is our Praziquantel Donation Program. Through this initiative, we have been supporting the World Health Organization since 2007 in the fight against schistosomiasis in Africa, a widespread tropical worm disease. Since the program was launched, around 150 million tablets containing the active ingredient praziquantel have been donated, resulting in the treatment of more than 38 million children. In 2007, Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany, made a commitment to donate to WHO 200 million tablets of Cesol® 600, which contain the active ingredient praziquantel. By 2017, this was intended [...]
66% Goals
[...] from air-conditioning systems. Legend: Achieved In progress Not achieved New goal Society Goals: Praziquantel Strategic goal Action By? Progress in 2013 Status Eliminate the worm disease schistosomiasis in Africa Provide tablets containing the active ingredient praziquantel free of charge to treat school children in Africa Ongoing More than 150 million tablets were donated from the start of the project up to the end of December 2013. Altogether more than 38 million children were treated up to the end of 2012. More than 15 million children were treated in 2012. 2012: More than 27 million tablets were provided in eight African countries. 2013: Around 50 million [...]
50% Society
XLS Download Spending on social engagement (€ million) 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Total spending 6.2 6.9 7.9 11.8 46.2 For spending on social engagement, we calculate product donations at their fair value, except for the praziquantel donated within our Praziquantel Donation Program, whose value is calculated according to the WHO Guidelines for Medicine Donations. The sharp increase in our spending on social engagement is attributable to three factors: Expansion of our Praziquantel Donation Program. Expansion of the ECPAP – Erbitux® China Patients Aid Program launched in 2011, in which we work with the Beijing Red Cross Foundation to provide Erbitux® [...]
16% CEO’s Declaration
[...] the World Health Organization (WHO) to combat the tropical disease schistosomiasis. We are donating praziquantel tablets, which are needed to treat this dangerous and wide-spread parasitic worm disease. To date, 38 million children in 19 countries have already been treated. And we intend to do more. After all, Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany, has committed to donating tablets until schistosomiasis has been eliminated in Africa. Working to improve global access to health is one aspect of our responsibility efforts, but by no means the only one. As this progress report shows, responsibility is a basic tenet of our activities. We are living the principles of the Global [...]
© Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany, Last Update 2014/05/05