your search: Product safety
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Plant and process safety has high priority at Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany. Safety system failures can lead to the release of chemicals, which can in turn impact people and the environment as well as result in financial damage, such as from production stoppages. The function Environment Health Safety Security Quality (EQ), in charge of environmental protection, are the experts in plant and process safety guidelines as well as all related topics. At the individual Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany sites worldwide, local EHS managers have been appointed to handle issues pertaining to plant and process safety. We apply the same uniform standard to plant and process [...]
XLS Download UNGC GRI indicator Comments Reference Status 7, 8, 9 Management approach Environmental management, Sustainable products, Transport safety Aspect: Materials 8 EN1 Materials used Where possible and appropriate, as for example in the case of packaging, we use recycled materials. Overall, the possibilities for using recycled materials in our portfolio are limited. Since this indicator is not applicable to Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany, we do not record Group-wide data on this. Resource consumption, Packaging 8,9 EN2 Percentage of materials used that are recycled input materials Where possible and appropriate, as for example in the case of packaging, we [...]
For the storage and transport of our goods, we adhere to strict safety guidelines in order to prevent risks to people and the environment. In order to safely store substances, we have implemented global safety concepts for all our warehouses worldwide. We have based these concepts on the recommendations of the German Chemical Industry Association (VCI), which include the minimization of storage risks through segregated storage, the protection of the environment through retention capacity in the event of leaks and for extinguishing water, automatic extinguishing units adapted to the products and materials being stored, occupational safety measures, as well as [...]
[...] for company environmental management EHS standards implemented and updated (e.g. for process and plant safety, storage and transport, water protection, and waste management) Product safety measures (e.g. REACH, GHS, Global Product Strategy) Environmental management, Process and plant safety, Storage and transport, Water protection, Waste management, Product safety Principle 8: Promote greater environmental responsibility EN1-30, SO5, PR3-4 EHS standards implemented and updated (e.g. for process and plant safety, storage and transport, water protection, and waste management) Initiation of EDISON climate protection program Energy checks conducted at sites Product [...]
Executive Board Bernd Reckmann Local operating units Group Governance and Service Unit Environment, Health, Safety, Security, Quality Competencies in local sites Wastewater treatment Waste management Environmental analysis Plant safety Occupational health and safety Fire protection/risk prevention Approval procedures Develop and maintain Group EQ strategy Performance of environmental and satety audits Compliance audits to review adherence to standards Implementation of EQ management systems EQ improvement programs Consulting for investments, process development and acquisitions Conducting training programs Our responsibility to protect the environment is derived [...]


Publication of Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany.

In the United States and Canada the subsidiaries of Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany operate under the umbrella brand EMD.


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