your search: Environment
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[...] 30 Support for culture and sports activities near our sites 20 15 14 18 28 Education 23 19 21 22 16 Environment – – – 5 9 Other 11 27 27 17 14 Disaster relief 5 6 3 10 3 Aid to socially disadvantaged people 41 33 35 – – In 2011, we reviewed the focuses of our social engagement. Many of our projects in the different focal areas support socially disadvantaged people. In order to clearly categorize our activities, we have therefore stopped using “Aid for socially disadvantaged people” as a sub-category. We have added “Health” and “Environment” as focal areas. XLS Download Motivations for our social engagement (%)* 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 * [...]
[...] by our ethical standards as well as our high expectations for our products in terms of safety and environmental compatibility. We strive to continuously enhance the sustainability footprint of our products. Sustainable products We are committed to improving access to health care. Access to health No risk should arise from our products if used properly. Product safety We abide by the precautionary principle in this highly innovative field of development. Nanotechnology We are highly committed to following animal welfare principles. Animal testing We develop take-back concepts and support environmentally sustainable disposal. Recycling
[...] Company values and external initiatives Our CR strategy covers three action areas: products, the environment, and people. CR strategy Our compliance organization supports compliance with laws and internal regulations. Compliance Guidelines translate the requirements from our Mission Statements and Values into concrete terms. Guidelines and management systems We maintain a continuous dialogue with our stakeholders. Stakeholder dialogue
Ladies and gentlemen, The term “responsibility” originates from the Latin word “respondere”, which means to respond or reply. Today, companies are required more than ever to respond to certain questions: How are they contributing to society and the environment? How do they treat the people who work for and with them? “Taking responsibility means responding to questions.” We are deeply engaged in these questions. To us, they have always been part of our entrepreneurial approach. Responsibility is one of our six Values that guide our actions each and every day. We have thus been supporting the United Nations
[...] framework, which defines the following areas of focus for local engagement: health, education, environment, culture, and sports in the vicinity of our sites. In 2011 and 2012, the legal entities participated in more than 120 projects. These are often long-term projects that are sponsored by Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany for multiple years. Numerous initiatives are either supported or even started up by employees. In 2011, 3,675 employees strengthened corporate engagement at Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany by making donations or doing volunteer work for charitable purposes, and in 2012 6,987 employees did so. Examples include constructing and running a hospital on [...]


Publication of Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany.

In the United States and Canada the subsidiaries of Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany operate under the umbrella brand EMD.


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