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100% Employees
Workforce structure XLS Download Number of total employees As of Dec. 31 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Total employees 32,800 33,062 40,562 40,676 38,847 Men Not recorded 19,097 23,171 23,347 22,505 Women Not recorded 13,965 17,391 17,329 16,342 The “Fit for 2018” efficiency program made a major impact on HR work in 2012. In the majority of countries in which Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany is represented, structural requirements and agreements were reached with the respective social partners in order to create a socially responsible approach to workforce reduction. For example, a partial retirement program and a voluntary leaver program were offered in Germany, with [...]
57% Employees
In accordance with our values, we live a culture of mutual esteem and respect. We want to strengthen our company’s ability to act by recruiting, developing and motivating the most suitable employees. In addition, we would like to further enhance the performance culture of our company and promote the diversity of our workforce. In 2011, we started the “Fit for 2018” transformation program. Fit for 2018 We want to attract, develop and retain qualified employees. Attracting employees Avoiding accidents is an important part of our responsibility. Occupational safety We believe that diversity promotes innovation and better team performance. Diversity and Inclusion [...]
37% Recruitment and Development
As an innovative company, we need talented and well-trained employees. At all sites, we face the challenge of attracting talented people to our company and retaining qualified employees. Particularly in Europe and the United States, but also in China and other Asian countries, we must adapt to stronger competition for specialists. We are constantly seeking chemists, pharmacologists, medical scientists, biostatisticians, biochemists, business administration experts, engineers, and IT specialists, as well as people who are able and willing to take on managerial responsibility. In emerging countries, we face the particular challenge of attracting qualified executives [...]
11% Work-life balance
As a family-friendly company, we want to help our employees to achieve a good balance between their professional and personal objectives. For instance, we help them to maintain and strengthen their motivation and performance potential. In addition, we further their trust in our company. Therefore, our employees can make use of flexible working models and childcare options, making it easier for them to achieve their personal goals. We also offer our employees ways to better reconcile the demands of a career while caring for family members as well as health management support. Flexible working models In Germany and other countries, we offer numerous working model [...]
7% Social Performance Indicators
XLS Download Labor practices and decent work: Management approach and indicators UNGC GRI indicator Comments Reference Status 1, 3, 6 Management approach HR Management, Dialogue and co-determination, Occupational health and safety, Attracting and developing employees, Diversity Aspect: Labor/Management relations LA1 Total workforce We do not currently record data on supervised workers, e.g. temps, in our data systems for employees. We are working to record these data in the future, making them available in 2014. Indicators: Employees, Code of Conduct 6 LA2 Rate of employee turnover Attracting and developing employees, Indicators: Employees LA3 Benefits provided [...]
© Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany, Last Update 2013/04/26